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protein supplements for vegetarians

  protein required for the body for muscle, building strength, and growth to work out. Those who work out, they swet out, they physically w...

 protein required for the body for muscle, building strength, and growth to work out. Those who work out, they swet out, they physically work very hard . they require a good amount of protein in their body. people think that vegetarian food can't give you sufficient protein but this is very wrong thinking. vegetarian food has very very healthy protein and that would help at all this bodybuilding strength and growth. normally a person should consume protein in a gram equivalent to bodyweight for example if you are 70 kg in your weight then you need 70 grams of protein in your body every day. so there is some good vegetarian food which can give you a very good protein supply. 

1.the sprouts are highly nutritious. sprout could be mixed with any vegetable and made into a mixed vegetable recipe. some of the sprouts which are easily made in the house would be moong, matki, chickpeas, black-eyed peas.

2.the food that can give you a good source of protein is Paneer, also called cottage cheese, which is great in protein easily digestible. eat fresh paneer roasted with ghee, it's very nutritious. you can mix it with vegetables if you have time. you can make a type of paneer which may be very tasty to you. and you can put stuff of paneer in various ways and it is very healthy and tasty too. 

3.nuts are easy to eat on go. they are high in protein and also in antioxidants. some of the best nuts are almonds, walnuts, peanuts, etc. you can mix them with starch and vegetables and eat them. almonds can be consumed in a milk form. soak overnight almonds add little water and put it in a mixer grinder. Pick up the white milk of almond and drinks in morning breakfast that would be the best drink to be taken. take peanuts and roast them properly. now grind them in a mixer grinder. grinding of peanuts should be done a little carefully. make a paste of the peanuts which is called peanut butter. it could be used with chapati with bread and you can eat and enjoy this peanut butter in your day-to-day routine. 




4. 4th food which is very high in protein is tofu. it is a Soya product. make soya milk in the house, first, take Soya beans, and soaked overnight. make a paste of the soybean by adding a good amount of water. put it in a grinder so that becomes a sort of milk. strain it out that becomes soya milk. now, this could be boiled and then curdled by putting a little lemon. ones it is curdled the water part comes out and the solid which remains is soya chunks.

5. seeds, you may hear about Pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and many more. very rich in protein, fiber and very healthy for your body so you can simply consume these things. you can just roast them and eat them or you can make a powder out of these seeds. or mix it with ingredients made in your home.

pumpkin seeds

sunflower seeds


so try these most natural protein products, consume them regularly, and enjoy this vegetarian protein diet.

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