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6 basic forms of ASANA

  I would like you to know two things Before you do any yoga practice. let go of any kind of preconceived thoughts or ideas you might have ...

  I would like you to know two things Before you do any yoga practice. let go of any kind of preconceived thoughts or ideas you might have about yoga and start with a very fresh and open mind. it is really important for a fruitful practice, also don't eat anything right before your yoga practice. you can have a handful of nuts or fruit but nothing big or heavy. 

here are six yoga asanas you should perform daily for your healthy life.

SUKHASANA or the easy pose-cross legs and set this in a good grounding posture to start any yoga practice. it supports the back well and provides some great foundation for the breath to flow through our body.

so in sukhasana, lift your sitting wings and make sure that your weight is evenly distributed in both the sitting goods. lift your chest, lift your spine. roll your shoulders back and relax your shoulders. this is called easy pose. draw your attention to your breath.

ancient yoga was all about breathwork, breathing or Pranayam came much much before the physical yoga on the yoga asana and practice. start with some deep breathing for which close your eyes and draw attention to your breath.

draw attention to each inhalation and exhalation and stay here for 2 to 3 minutes. gently open your eyes.

PARIVRITTA SUKHASANA or seated twist-this is a twisting Aasan. this asana like a Detox for our body. this removes the unwanted toxins from the body and stimulates the digestive system.

bring awareness to the body and your breath. first, place the left hand on the outside of the right knee, place your right hand behind the right hip.

as you inhale turn your belly roll the shoulders back and look over your right shoulder. stay here for a few breathes, breathe in and breathe out as the detoxifier lights up in the body.

come back aline yourself and repeat on the other side. this time place your right hand outside of the left limb, left hand behind the left hip. turn from the belly, spine straight, and looked over the left shoulder.

Keep your belly drawn inside and relax the shoulders. don't forget to breathe steadily. inhale come back and Exhale.

BADHAKONASANA or butterfly pose- this Aasan is a really good Hip opener. if you have tight hips and it is great for relaxing the lower back especially if you spend a lot of time sitting.

from sukhasana or easy pose uncross your legs and bring the soles of your feet together. if you feel a lot of pressure on the outside of your hips, place your hands behind you and sit up straight.

then you can either just hold your feet together or you can fly your knees up and down. feel the stretch in your inner thighs, do this 5 to 6 times, remember to keep the spine upright while doing this.

relax the neck and shoulders and don't forget to breathe.

CAT and COWBOY posture- this Aasan is good for the spine. it will take care of any kind of tightness you might have in the spine and will keep your spine Supple. also, this is a great asana to teach your body to move with the breath.

come to your hands and feet flat on the ground. make sure your wrists are directly below your shoulders and knees under your hips. neck neutral and eyes to the ground.

as inhale Drop your belly, Push your tailbone to the ceiling, Push Chester, and either looked straight or if your neck has good mobility lookup. This is a cowboy pose.

as you exhale press your hands into the floor around your upper back and your Spine and looked down towards the floor. this is a cat pose. don't push too much just move with the breath.

repeat this five to six times and each time. return to the neutral position.

TADASANA or mountain posture- tadasana teaches us how to stand by engaging all the muscles of our body. also a great poster for relieving constipation.

feet slightly apart, lift toes of your feet spread them apart, and firmly placed them on the floor. don't lean to the front or don't lean backward.

firmly root down all the four corners of your feet. squeeze the hips, engage the guts, Don't drove the chest, lift the chest, place the arms by your side.

tadasana is a great foundation for all the standing postures in Yoga. now lift your heels and moved to the toes of your feet and try balancing yourself.

maintain your gaze on a non-moving spot in front of you. if you're falling out of your balance come back up try to few times. gently come down, in the next step along with lifting your Heels raise your arms to the side of your ears. feel the lift in your legs in your Spine and your arms.

look at a steady point and breathe. hold for 5 to 6 breathes and gently come down.

TRIKONASANA or the triangle pose- this is a great Aasan for relieving any kind of digestive issues that you may have. also, this is good for relieving back pain.

If you practice regularly you will be able to lead a life free of back pain. Stand with your legs more than hips-width apart. turn the right foot to the right side and the left foot facing slightly to the right.

your body would want to turn to the right but turn the body so that it faces the front. make sure your feet are firmly placed on the ground and your hips are squeezed.

raise your arms to shoulder level and make sure there is one straight line. now start moving to the right from the waist as you do that don't let your body lean forward roll your shoulders back and open the chest.

for beginners, you can stay with your right hand on the Shin, and as you get more comfortable move gradually down till you reach your feet.

look in the front or look up if you’re comfortable.

remember to keep your weight on both feet. lift your chest, stay for a few breaths, come back up, and now repeat on the other side. left foot out, right foot turned in, arms are one straight line, then bend your body from the waist. lift your chest, rest your left hand on the shin, or reached down towards the foot.

remember your body would want to lean forward but hold it straight and open the chest. inhaling and exhaling as you hold the pose.

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