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Yoga helps to reduce the blood pressure

Hypertension is a prevalent condition nowadays that, if not treated properly, can cause serious damage to the body's other organs. High ...

Hypertension is a prevalent condition nowadays that, if not treated properly, can cause serious damage to the body's other organs. High blood pressure sufferers must decrease their blood pressure in order to counteract the effects of hypertension on their bodies. People who need to lower their blood pressure should change their lifestyle and sometimes take medications. The yoga lifestyle, which can really help you lower blood pressure, is very beneficial in the treatment of hypertension.

Asanas are yoga exercises that include stretching and rotating the body into different positions. Any tightness or discomfort in the body should be deliberately relaxed during these exercises. Yoga provides stress management techniques, which are important for lowering blood pressure. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of yoga asanas, but only a few can help you lower your blood pressure.

Forward bends

Forward bends are the most effective for reducing blood pressure because they have a calming effect on the brain, nervous system, and blood supply to the brain, as well as helping you relieve stress. All of these things help to reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, these asanas lower blood pressure by slowing down the heart rate.

seated forward bend

sitting asana

Upavista Konasana, for example, is a sitting asana that relieves stress in the ribs and intercostals muscles while also allowing you to breathe more easily. Many hypertensives have trouble breathing, and these asanas assist them in doing so while also lowering blood pressure.

Supine poses

Supine poses, such as Supta Baddhakonasana, relax the abdominal region and have a calming effect on the nerves, all of which tend to lower blood pressure.


Inversions such as Halasana and Setubandha Sarvangasana, which have a refreshing effect on the nerves and minimize sympathetic tone very quickly, are also recommended for those who need to lower blood pressure. Daily practice of these asanas helps to regulate blood pressure, lowering it when it is abnormally high.


Setubandha Sarvangasana

You should combine the previous asanas with pranayama and Svanasana to calm the mind and senses while also stabilizing blood pressure and lowering blood pressure in cases of hypertension.

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