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Why your muscles are stopping growing?-7 reasons-How to Build the Muscle !!

  How many of you have wanted to know why, although you're exercising very hard, your muscles stopped developing after several months of...


How many of you have wanted to know why, although you're exercising very hard, your muscles stopped developing after several months of training?

There can be 7 reasons why your muscles have ceased to grow and how your muscle can grow again.

1.Whenever you exercise your muscles intensively, you actually disintegrate your muscles. Thus your muscles must recover from the damage they have suffered. So only once or at most, train each specific muscles twice per week.

2.You are excessively trained Hold your training intense but do not train every time for more than an hour. Your cortisol level will increase after 45 minutes of intensive training. This hormone is famous for its destruction of muscle cells.

3.You do not get enough sleep. For effective muscle growth, you should sleep more. When you sleep, your muscles expand. So get more than 8 hours of sleep a day and feel those muscles develop quickly.

4.You are consuming alcohol. Alcohol is believed to deplete muscle mass as well as other bodily functions.

5.You should not alter your exercise routine. Every 6-8 weeks, you can switch up your workout routine. Your muscles become accustomed to your routine and cease to grow.

6.Your muscles are not gradually overworked. Any time you exercise a specific muscle group, you can try to increase the number of reps or the amount of weight you use. There's no need for your muscles to expand if they're not needed.

7.You aren't getting enough protein in your diet. You must consume more protein if you want to gain muscle mass. Protein is the primary component of muscle tissue. Protein should be consumed at a rate of 1 gram per pound of body weight equivalent. If your regular diet does not have enough protein, consider supplementing with protein shakes.

There you have it: the seven reasons why your muscles aren't rising despite your hard work. There are even more ways to develop bigger muscles, but for the average bodybuilding novice, these seven factors and how to conquer them will suffice.

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