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You've learned to believe in Top 8 Nutrition Myths

  Often don't believe what you hear, especially with regard to your health. Here are some nutritional myths that we were taught to follo...


Often don't believe what you hear, especially with regard to your health. Here are some nutritional myths that we were taught to follow, which we should not have listened to according to the experts.

1.Diabetes caused by sugar. The key risk factors for Type 2 diabetes are currently a high calorie diet with overweight and inactive lifestyles.


2.Every fat is bad, actually We need to substitute poor fats in our diet with healthy fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats).


3.Brown Sugar is greater than white Sugar. Without eating a huge amount of brown sugar every day, the difference in the mineral content from brown to white sugar is very negligible.

4.Brown eggs are nutritious rather than white. Eggshell colour can vary, but nothing has to do with the consistency, taste, nutrition, cooking features or the thickness of the egg shell. The colour of the eggshell depends only on the hen race.

5.Ignore seafood to reduce cholesterol in the blood The much more important factors that increase blood cholesterol, not dietary cholesterol, are saturated fats normally found in meat and processed food and trans-fatty acids.

6.Avoid carbohydrates to lose weight. Many low-carb diets do not offer the body enough carbohydrates to maintain every day. It doesn't matter if you eat a high or low-carb diet, if it is less than it's enough to keep your weight, you'll lose weight.

7.Nuts are high in fat and should be avoided. Nuts can be a nutritious component of a diet when consumed in moderation. Nuts are rich in saturated and trans fats (healthy fats), as well as plant sterols, both of which were shown to reduce LDL cholesterol.

8.Skip meals may contribute to weight loss Skipping a meal also increases the overall calorie consumption rather than eating more often throughout the day. A healthier way to maintain a balance of blood sugar is to consume smaller often good meals and snacks.

Now so you know the exact truth and when you talk again, your friends and family will be educated.



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