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Your Eyes Needs Exercise Too!

The study, published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, discovered that exercise, particularly strength training, had an effect ...

The study, published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, discovered that exercise, particularly strength training, had an effect on mood in people over the age of 62. 

One reason for this, according to Arent, is the effect strength training has on seniors' self-esteem.“Strength training prevents muscle mass and bone density loss, which can interfere with an older person's independence and quality of life”.

It's amazing how quickly an older person's depression lifts when he or she can resume abandoned physical activities like playing with grandkids or gardening.

Eye Workout 

Warm your hands by rubbing them together. (If you prefer, shake them or place them in front of a heat vent.) Then close your eyes. With your warm hands, cover your eyes. Make sure your hands do not touch your eyelids and that your cheekbones are not resting on your hands.

Make sure your hands do not touch your eyelids and that your cheekbones are not resting on your hands. If you want to put your head weight on your hands, put it on your forehead. Then look into the darkness.Wait until you see the dark if you see spots or zaps of light. Don't rush. Do this for 5 to 15 minutes at least twice a day.


Exercise also aids in the reduction of blood pressure. Exercise will also benefit your lungs, as they will become better conditioned, allowing you to perform activities such as stair climbing without becoming out of breath. 

Muscles that are not used shrink and become inelastic, but aerobic exercise helps tone your body by increasing muscle size, strength, and flexibility while burning calories.Exercise can also help relieve stress and increase productivity, so find something you enjoy and stick with it.

Arm Workout

1. Bend your arms so that the elbows form a 90-degree angle.

2. Swing your arms forward and backward so that your elbow is high in the back.

3. Try not to swing your arms too high or across your body in front (hands should not be above shoulder height nor should they cross the midpoint of your body).

4. Maintain a 90-degree angle at the elbows throughout the swings.

Almost everyone, it seems, will use family life as an excuse for not having time to exercise, thereby missing out on even a single exercise benefit.

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