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Why yoghurt is important?

Yogurt – In the warm summer months, particularly, when the sun is absolute, the very word cools you. Yogurt's delicious, smooth and t...

Yogurt In the warm summer months, particularly, when the sun is absolute, the very word cools you. Yogurt's delicious, smooth and thick. Zinc, calcium, B1, B2, B6 and B12, protein, and yeast are all treasured on a virtual basis.

 Yoghurt's beautiful micronutrients strengthen the muscles, combat osteoporosis, fight cancer, diarrhoea, hypertension and yeast infection. Digestion, immune function and weight regulation are enhanced. Yogurt is also used as a natural moisturiser to incorporate skin enzymes and oils. It can also minimise pores, enhance skin texture overall and give you good luminosity.

Let’s learn about the importance of yoghurts in hair care and skin. Follow the tried and tested tips on the use of yoghurt, and you will shine! – Are there any defects, acne? Every day, apply yogurt to your acne.The rich zinc content of your skin helps clear. Just after you have removed all make-up, prevent flavoring varieties and add yoghurt. – Mix the brewer's yeast with plain yoghurt to avoid the pimples on your tracks and add them to your face. Just sit and scrub clean for a couple of minutes. Hot skirt? Apply yoghurt to your head, cover with a towel and then rinse 15 minutes afterwards.

The yoghurt even pursues the pelvis! Yogurt can also help your hands and nails. Just add half a cup of straight yoghurt and one lemon juice. Refrigerate and rub your eyes and nails for a few hours. Rinse your hands and pat them dry. You'll see how soft and supple your hand felt for about two weeks. More packages of yoghurt alone – In addition to zinc, simple yoghurt contains lactic acid, which is a natural skin that is smoother and a simple yet powerful mask. Spread it over your face and let it go 20 minutes before warm water rinses off.

Power Pack of Protein – one egg white, one tbsp yoghurt, one tsp fuller and one tsp sweets. Mix together and apply to cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish the face and neck.

Nice and cute – 1⁄4 tsp of yoghurt or 1⁄2 lemon juice or 1⁄4 orange. Smooth on the ears, mix together. Rinse off with warm water. Let it last for 5 minutes. Adding a spoon of fresh citrus fruit to your facial yoghurt will give the pack an added refreshing punch. Lemon and orange also restore the natural pH balance to the skin, which makes it look cool and young.

Feel-Fab Fresh Fruit Pack – 3⁄4 tablespoons of pure yoghurt, 1 carrot, 1⁄2 peach (the purely natural one) and 1⁄2 cucumbers (for relaxing purposes) (to refresh and soften the skin). Mix together. Mix together. Apply and allow 10 minutes to lay on the skin, then rinse. Your skin will be refreshed and hydrated.

Beat the Dry Daze- 1⁄2 cup plain yoghurt, 1 1⁄2 cup fresh citrus fruit oil and 1.5 tsp. Combine all the ingredients. Apply 5 to 10 minutes on the forehead, then rinse off with warm water. Heal dry skin. Heal dry skin.

 You should be careful when following the recipes in this article. If you are allergic to something, avoid using it. The reader and not the website and the writer are responsible.


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