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Do you want to try yoga for back pain? Then choose the Appropriate poses.

  Yoga has been shown to be one of the most powerful exercises for back pain relief in studies. In fact, twisting your body into those often...

 Yoga has been shown to be one of the most powerful exercises for back pain relief in studies. In fact, twisting your body into those often uncomfortable positions might be just what you need to relieve lower back pain. However, as beneficial as Yoga can be in reducing back pain, knowing exactly the poses to use, for how long, what to offset the poses with, and in what order to perform them are all considerations to consider before using it as a therapeutic relief for back pain.

I'll go through some of the most popular, quick, and effective back-pain poses, as well as give you guidance on how to offset spinal motions when necessary. In addition, I'll go through the variables that affect the amount of time it takes to execute these poses. Though some of these poses are best learned under the guidance of a certified Yoga Instructor or an avid expert, I believe you should be able to get a good idea of how to perform these poses at home using the explanations provided below.

Here are some of the best postures for back pain and as this purpose is more relaxation then training, depending on the level of comfort, is not compulsory for the pain to maintain for more than 5-15 seconds. In addition, it is strongly recommended using a yoga mat or a smooth surface for these asanas.

Shoulder Stands (Sarvangasana)

This, my friends is a well-known cure-all for almost any human ailment. Don't be alarmed; it's incredibly simple to carry out; but, depending on the complexity of the situation, exercise caution in its application.

-Place your yoga mat on a thick blanket on the floor. Lie flat on your back.

-Lift your legs slowly. Verticalize the trunk, hips, and thighs.

- Rest your elbows squarely on the floor and use both hands to support your back.

-Lift your legs to a vertical position. Put your head against your chest and hold it there.

-The back of the neck, the back of the head, and the shoulders should all be touching the floor when performing this pose.

-Take 5-5-5 breaths (inhalation, retention, and exhalation).

-Avoid shakiness in the body.


Try incorporating the following counter-poses to the Shoulder-Stand:-


Bridge pose (Sethu Bhandasana)

Stretch the legs and slowly hit the floor with the feet from the Shoulder Stand position. 

The spine is twisted in the opposite direction.




Pose like a fish (Matsyasana)

Lie down flat on your back. Stretch the legs or crossed them while keeping the palms of the hands under the thighs. 

Raise the chest with the elbows and balance on the top of the head by bending the neck as far backward as possible.

Time Frame Suggestion

To time the execution of these three poses, use the ratio 6:1:2. That is, the fish pose is kept for a third of the time spent in the shoulder stand, and the bridge pose is held for half the time spent in the fish pose or a sixth of the time spent in the shoulder stand. You may also skip the bridge and go for a 2:1 ratio (shoulder-stand to fish pose), but this is only recommended if you only intend to do the parent pose (the shoulder-stand) for a few seconds.

However, there is obviously more detail in the explanation of these poses because I want to let you know well. Follow the above instruction and you will be free from back pain.

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