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The Many Advantages of Green Tea

  The scientific confirmation of the many advantages of green tea extracts is one of the major advances in nutrition in the 21st century. He...

 The scientific confirmation of the many advantages of green tea extracts is one of the major advances in nutrition in the 21st century. Here's just a handful.

Green Tea benefits:

  • anti-aging
  • anti-cancer
  • weight control
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Lowers arthritis
  • Impedes cancer cell growth
  • It helps to lose weight

What does green tea extract benefit to health?

More than 1,800 scientists have found strong antioxidants inactive ingredients in green tea. The polyphenols and flavonols are named. They are called polyphenols. The most important of these antioxidants is epigallocatechin gallate (you can simply call it EGCG). The antioxidant strength of vitamins C and E is between 25 and 100 times that of the milligrams. More than a portion of broccoli, lettuce, carrots, or strawberries a cup of green tea is antioxidant.

The advantages of green tea extract are supplied by these rich antioxidants. DNA is kept intact and cell membranes are stabilized. These green tea effects make it a strong source of help under several conditions of health. Consider in greater depth the benefits of green tea supplements.


Lower "poor" LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride have been demonstrated for green tea.


Who would have thought that a plain green tea would not have had any of its side effects like Lipitor or Zocor or Crestin?

Scientific studies show that middle-aged Japans, both men and women, have almost always average cholesterol when consuming 2 or more tbs of green tea a day. Scientists have also recently confirmed that less cholesterol would go through your bloodstream if you drink green tea after you consume a fatty meal.

If you have high cholesterol, then your body can transform less of it into a type that obstructs your arteries when you begin to use green tea supplements. Your joints are protected from osteoarthritis by green tea.


The effect of the Green Tea Extract is one of the least understood yet most beneficial. Green tea stops swelling. There is less wear and tear on the joints if there is less inflammation. The growth of cancer cells is prevented by green tea.


EGCG inhibits the growth of cancer cells by binding to a particular enzyme in green tea. In prostate, breast, and lung cancers, this health benefit from green tea is particularly significant.

Facilitation of women who have breast cancer is another advantage of green tea extract. Green tea supplies estrogen-binding chemicals. This hormone is then not free to stimulate cells of breast cancer.


Women who drink the greenest tea before menopause has the least serious types of breast cancer. Women who drink green tea are less likely to recur following treatment for breast cancer. More significantly, the 50 percent lower chance of developing breast cancer is the women who drink green tea.

Defense against lung cancer is another advantage of green tea extract. The Japanese are the highest in the developing world with the lowest rates of smoking and lung cancer. A lot of green tea-consuming Japanese smokers seem to be safe from lung cancer.


And you can also, lose weight with green tea. Men who consume high-fat diets were given enough green tea to provide caffeine in a single cup of coffee during a clinical trial. Although this quantity of caffeine is not responsible for weight loss, it is rather important when it comes from green tea.


How do you take Green Tea?


Green tea extract is most beneficial when consuming green tea supplements instead of drinking green tea. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition research in December 2004 reported that green supplements are more antimicrobial than green tea. Two capsules of extract of green tea each day will provide you with all the advantages of 20 cups of green tea, even in difficult conditions.

Healthy and successful green tea. Take 1 to 3 green extract capsules per day. In the morning or afternoon, it is easier to take tea supplements than at night. Take with food in case of an unlikely stomach upset.

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